Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Stevie's Big ROADTRIP!

Sorry for not keeping up with the blog over the past couple of weeks. We've been moving in and traveling back and forth from Illinois!

Little Stevie has become quite the traveler. He loves life on the road. We have found that he is actually more happy and content when we are on the road than he is when we are at home. Go figure. What can I say, the little man likes to go fast.

I thought that I would post a few pictures from our roadtrip. As I alluded to in a previous blog, Angie and I used to be pretty savy travelers...we once traveled all the way from Pennsylvania to Illinois and only made one stop for gas! Stevie has slowed us down significantly. He needs to stop once every two and a half hours or so to eat and have his pants changed.

Fresh pants...Oooh Yeah!
Stevie Gettin' his burp on!

1 comment:

Ben said...

It sounds like I'm a little like Steve - needing to stop every 2.5 hours for feeding and to change my pants...er...umm, nevermind!